Daily Faith Creators Summit

benecia ponder

Quick Notes & Links

We all have stories we can share. “You are the light of the world.” You don’t light a lamp and then hide it. Content Creation is ultimately about touching lives and helping others. It's a calling.

When I learned how to tell stories, I learned how to translate what I know and connect back to others. “Walking in my Purpose” = Letting my Light Shine

Keys to be able to take your stories and make a powerful impact with them:

    Connect with your core story, your why.
    • Why did you start doing what you’re doing? What was that moment?
    • Where did you have that “aha moment”? What were you doing?
    • What are you passionate about? What fires you up? What keeps you going when you are ready to give up?
    • What started you on your journey?
    • Why do you want to serve the way you serve
    • This core story is going to help you to connect, give you credibility

    Considerations when sharing your story. “Ordinary stories can provide extraordinary connection.”
    • Let your reader know you have things like them. It’s not always about the “adventure.”
    • This provides a connection a point. It’s about how you are able to make it relevant to your story. Can they connect? Can they see?
    • Keep in mind your audience
      • Who are you telling this story to?
      • Be relevant.
      • Be clear.
      • Your “why”: it’s the what and who.
      • Connect to the “pain point” of your audience.
    Have a story journal or notebook to write down the things that have happened in your life/are happening.
    • Start with the lesson you want to share or “pain point” your audience is feeling.
      • What is behind them wanting to make more money?
      • What is behind them wanting to have freedom?
      • Have them be able to remember and share.
    • Structure: Put your audience first and you are guaranteed to make that connection.

Benecia invites you to get your story told in her Devotional Anthology. Participation details can be found here: InspirationalDevotionals.com.

Learn more from Benecia on her website.

It has been a pleasure for us here at Daily Faith to present this summit. We pray you are encouraged, motivated and beautifully equipped to keep building your online ministries!
- Kelly, Samantha, & Avery

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